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Past Events

April 1, 2023

The Ohr Torah Men's Club Cholent Cookoff

May 26, 2023

Book Event: Rikers: An Oral History

Ohr Torah hosted a conversation between Reuven Blau & Graham Rayman about their new book. The event featured food from Holy Schnitzel.

May 21, 2023

Shiur by Rabbi Robert Grosberg

The Uniqueness of Hallel on the Night of Pesach

March 7, 2023

Youth Purim Juggling Show

March 4, 2023

Youth Simon Says

February 24-25, 2023

Rabbanit Chamutal Shoval

On Shabbat evening, Rabbanit Shoval spoke about 'Esther HaMalka: The Secret of Female Leadership in Times of Crisis'. On Shabbat morning her topic was 'What Kind of Person Are You?'. And on Shabbat afternoon she spoke about 'The Twilight Zone of Tradition'. Shabbat evening's talk was preceded by a dinner featuring food by Ember (Smokey Joe).

February 4, 2023

Youth Gaga Tournament

January 7, 2023

Youth Tribal Triumph!

December 25, 2022

Chanukkah Carnival

December 23-24, 2022

Rabbi Ari Lamm

Rabbi Lamm spoke on Shabbat night, morning and afternoon.

December 23, 2022

Ohr Torah Chinese Food Shabbat Dinner

December 20, 2019

Shiur by Rabbi Robert GrosbergYouth Chanukah Puppet Show

Yehuda and Yosef: Two Kings of Israel

December 19, 2019

Youth Chanukah Puppet Show

With Wonderspark Puppets

December 17, 2019

Youth Maccabee Madness

December 17, 2019

Men's Club's Annual Festivus Kiddush

A kiddush for the rest of us.

November 6, 2022

A Night to Remember Mark Grebenau

October 18, 2022

Men's Club Simchat Torah Barbecue Luncheon

October 15, 2022

Youth Sukkah Hop

October 13, 2022

Youth Sushi in the Sukkah 2

September 17, 2022

Pre-Selichot Kumzitz w/ Yaakov Chesed

August 14, 2022

Celebrate Israel Night with the New York Mets

Men's Club outing to CitiField

July 26, 2022

Youth Plant Party

June 26, 2022

Youth Summer Water Games

June 9, 2022

Shiur by Rabbi Robert Grosberg

Shimshon - Why the Prophesy for Greatness was Shattered

June 4, 2022

The Ohr Torah Men's Club Cholent Cookoff

May 26, 2022

Book Event: The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the Word's Oldest Bible

Ohr Torah hosted a talk by author Chanan Tigay about his book "The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the Word's Oldest Bible". The event featured a wine and cheese tasting by The Cheese Guy.

May 6, 2022

Sisterhood Glassware Studio

April 28, 2022

Mental Health and Halacha by Rabbi Yoni Rosenzweif

April 3, 2022

Youth Paint Night

March 31, 2022

Shiur by Rabbi Robert Grosberg

Where Is Gan Eden?

March 17, 2022

Youth Purim Day Magic Show

March 16, 2022

Family Friendly Megillah Reading

March 11-12, 2022

Rabbi Natan and Melissa Kapustin, Esq.

On Shabbat evening, the Kapustin's spoke about 'Raising Orthrodox Children in a "Woke" World'. Shabbat morning Melissa spoke about 'Hitler to Haman: The Evolution of Purim". Shabbat afternoon Rabbi Natan spoke about 'Parshat Zachor: Was Amalek Really That Bad?'.

December 24-25, 2021

Rabbi Gavriel Friedman (Rav Gav)

Rav Gav spoke on Shabbat night, morning and afternoon.

December 8, 2021

Shiur by Rabbi Robert Grosberg

Understanding Yehuda's Plea

December 5, 2021

Chanukkah Carnival

December 2, 2021

Chanukah Kumzits

Free event featuring the music of Aryeh Kuntsler.

November 13, 2021

A Night with Gregory Zuckerman

Author of "A Shot to Save the World"

October 17, 2021

Sisterhood Brunch

Healing Stories for Your Marriage with Dr. Tamara Sofair-Fisch

October 10, 2021

Family Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt at the Turtle Back Zoo

October 9, 2021

Parent-Child Learning Night

September 29, 2021

Men's Club Simchat Torah Barbecue Luncheon

September 29, 2021

Youth Color War

September 26, 2021

Simchat Beit HaSHoeva

September 25, 2021

Youth Sukkah Hop

September 26, 2021

Youth Sushi in the Sukkah

June 27, 2021

Youth Magic Show

May 26, 2021

Youth Tie Dye and Spray Paint Event

April 25, 2021

Youth Lag Ba'Omer Event

Lag B’omer youth event was blown up at Ohr Torah with its Archery tag, bounce house, and 30 ft target practice soccer goal. We were on fire with our local fire firefighters as they came with the fire trucks and let us spray the fire hose. We got fire hats and special fire safety activity sets and had a blast!

March 20, 2021

Youth Pre-Pesach Paint Night

March 11, 2021

Youth Pre-Pesach Shiur by Rabbi Robert Grosberg

The Seder: A Historical Perspective

February 26, 2021

Youth Megillah Reading and Event

December 24, 2020

Youth Zoom Movie Night: The Lorax

December 13, 2020

Chanukah Craft Challenge

December 4, 2020

Sisterhood Bake Swap

November 26, 2020

Youth Thanksgiving Drawing Class

With Andrew Galitzer, creator of Parsha Comics.

November 21, 2020

Youth Paint Night

October 2, 2020

Youth Family Sukkah Hop Driveby

July 30, 2020

Youth Learn to Draw Event

May 24, 2020

Pre-Shavuot Shi'ur with Rabbi Grosberg

Megillat Rut: The Meaning of a True Home 

April 27, 2020

Youth Yom Haatzmaut Cookie Decorating and Banner Making Virtual Event 

April 4, 2020

Youth Virtual Pesach Bingo! 

Pesach bingo over Zoom.

April 3, 2020

Youth Pesach Arts and Crafts

Arts & Crafts for Pesach over Zoom.

April 1, 2020

Pesach Kids Exercise Class! 

Zoom exercise class for kids.

March 20, 2020

Zoom Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat

Zoom Mincha followed by short Devrei Torah and a Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat led by Jamie Rubin.

March 10, 2020

Youth Purim Puppet Show

February 22, 2020

Parent-Child Paint Night

February 16, 2020

Sisterhood Cookie Decorating Workshop

February 15, 2020

Bury The Hatchet

February 12, 2020

Men's Club Retirement ZPlanning Event

"Planting the Seeds for your Successful Retirement" with Adam Shefsky, Regional Vice President – NJ (North), Jackson National Life Distributors LLC

February 8, 2020

Melaveh Malka for Mitzvah Project

Melaveh Malka to celebrate the completion of the Sefer Hachinuch as a congregation. The Melaveh Malka featured guest speaker Rabbi Mordechai Becher.

February 2, 2020


Jewish Relief Agency food packing event.

January 31, 2020

Ohr Torah Chinese Food Shabbat Dinner

January 12, 2020

Youth Bubble Show

January 5, 2020

Sisterhood CPR Class

December 4, 2020

Channukah on Ice

The shul, youth department, Sisterhood and Men's Club rented Clary Anderson Arena for a skating event that included a ugly Channukah Sweater contest, refreshments and prizes.

December 28, 2019

Sisterhood's Shabbat Bake Swap

Cooking for your family week after week is a chore, but cooking for a community member can add a little inspiration to your dish. Since we haven’t been able to have our neighbors over during this time, the Ohr Torah sisterhood hosted a “Bake Swap” where families baked Shabbat dessert for each other. It was a chance to break out our finest Bundt pans and fancy dessert recipes. The results looked amazing, tastes better and the sense of community couldn't come at a more needed time.

December 21, 2019

Men's Club's Annual Festivus Kiddush

A kiddush for the rest of us.

December 8, 2019

Sisterhood Brunch Event

Interactive talk about nutrition and health for your family with Michelle Routhenstein.

November 17, 2019

Learn to Knit Free Workshop

A workshop on knitting given by Nancy Perl.

October 22, 2019

The Men's Club's Annual Simchas Torah Luncheon

October 19, 2019

Youth Sukkah Hop

October 14, 2019

Pre-Sukkoth Youth Cupcake Decorating Event

September 22, 2019

Men's Club Insight Breakfast Series: Power Prosecution

The Men’s Club as part of the Insight Breakfast Events, hosted Glenn D. Goldberg who gave an informative, emotional, and fact-based presentation on the topic of “Power Prosecution." Glenn spoke about a few of the high profile, public interest cases he tried over the course of his 30 years as a Prosecutor. The presentation contained dramatic examples of Courtroom events, such as when a defendant jumped out a third-floor window upon being pronounced Guilty of First Degree Murder by the Jury. We want to thank Glenn for his impressive presentation that kept all of the attendees on the edge of their seats.

May 19, 2019

Ohr Torah Ice Skating Event

Clary Anderson Arena in Montclair was the scene for the Ohr Torah Second Annual Ice Skating Event. Click here to see the photos on everyone having a blast on the ice. 

May 5, 2019

Auto-Reliance: Car Maintenance Class for Women

The shul sisterhood held a class taught by Meira Bukiet to enable women drivers of all ages to understand the working of their cars, from tire pressure to checking and adding fluids and general maintenance. Click here for details of what they learned and to see photos of the event. 

March 20-21, 2019


Congregation Ohr Torah in West Orange celebrated Purim with three events: a pre-Megillah reading event for children; food and games for the grownups, and a  master juggler put on a show for the younger children during the third Megillah reading. Click here to see the smiles on the faces of children and grown-ups alike!

February 23, 2019

Murder Mystery Night at the Ranch

The crowd came to solve the murder of billionaire rancher Nathan Dockerfeller, but only one person solved the mystery! Click here to find out who it was and to see the pictures of this event. 

February 24, 2019 

Featured Speaker: 
Jonah Ottensoser
, "Technology and the Observant Jew"

On Sunday evening, February 24, Ohr Torah hosted a talk by Jonah Ottensoser of the Star-K on the topic Technology and the Orthodox Jew. Mr. Ottensoser has been an engineering consultant with the Star-K for over 20 years. He has consulted with many of the large appliance manufacturers and it is partially thanks to him that we have the availability of so many “Sabbath Mode” appliances.

To view pictures of the event and download a PDF of Mr. Ottensoser's slides, click here.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785