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Murder Mystery Night 2019

February 23, 2019

 The crowd came to solve the murder of Nathan Dockerfeller, but only one person solved the mystery… and it was the murderer himself, portrayed by Leron Thumim (his wife Karen played the part of the maid). Winner of the best actor/actress was our Office Manager, Anna Chosak. Best costume award went to Margot Freedman; her husband Larry played the part of the detective. Pictures by Rabbi Marc Spivak who portrayed a jockey, and Bracha Balser, who was a big help setting up the event. Ohr Torah would like to thank Jay and Debbie Goldberg, Eli Goldberg, Bracha Balser, Marc and Andrea Goldberg, Anna Chosak, the Sisterhood and Men’s Clubs, Rivky Balser, Leron Thumim, and Lea-Nora Kordova for their help with this event.


Karen and Leron Thumim

Marcia and Fernand Schoppik

Gail and Bruce Bukiet

Lea-Nora and Nissim Kordova

Margot and Larry Freedman

Marc and Andrea Goldberg, event organizers

Rabbi Robert and Cindy Grosberg

Vicki and Ben Jakubovic

Seth and Anna Chosak

Bertha and Raphie Sharret

Jonathan and Tsilla Weber

The delicious "chuckwagon" prepared by Jay Goldberg and fellow volunteers

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785